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Saturday, June 30, 2012


Out running errands and waing fir the bottom of the bucket to fall out

Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Update

well today was a day from HELL, spent most of the day working with a new printer that was dead after only having it for 2 days. come to find out one of the motors in the unit burned out which according to the tech is a very rear thing to happen.

then spent 2 hrs setting up equipment in the main conf room by replacing the PC, mouse and keyboard. then got to train them on the unit W7 computer.

ran to get my hair cut and spent half my lunch on the phone with the print vendor on why the tech hasnt showed up yet being 2 calls were placed one at 4am & 7125am.

then spent the rest of the after noon working with the printer tech on what was wrong with the printer, does the fun never end.

then the rest of the afternoon was spent taking care of things i didnt get to do being i was tied up all day with conf rooms and printers, only to get home and have to run to the store to do some grocery shopping and finally home by 830.

now have to decide if i want to watch a movie i downloaded or hit the bed being i know i am going to wake up for no reason at 4 or 5, an the movie choices are Mirror Mirror or Wrath of the Titans.....


Finally Friday

well the week is finally over and its Friday, all thats left is to get thru the day and deal with the shortbus people at work.

i receievd a email from work last night saying they have a issue with a brand new printer that is not 2 days old where it keeps getting paper jams. is it me or does this sound funny? i have noticed that when it comes to change that people all ways profess mechinacal failure when it comes to them not likeing something new. at times i wish i could say ... you know your a total fracking idiot and just need to do things the new way and get on with it and stop wining like a little bitch but ya can do that in the work enviroment. so i just bite my lip and have them show me what is wrong and then when it turns out to be the way they are doing it i walk away.

i saw this quote and thought about the email from last nite:

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.
Arnold Bennett

funny they didnt put the word 'idiots' in that cuz most of the time its them.....

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tech Tip Thursday

Desktop slideshow

Windows 7 comes with some very attractive new wallpapers, and it's not always easy to decide which one you like the best. So why not let choose a few, and let Windows display them all in a desktop slideshow? Right-click an empty part of the desktop, select Personalise > Desktop Background, then hold down Ctrl as you click on the images you like. Choose how often you'd like the images to be changed (anything from daily to once every 10 seconds), select Shuffle if you'd like the backgrounds to appear in a random order, then click Save Changes and enjoy the show.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


just a reminder everyone that tomorrow i will be posting a Tech tip for windows 7 so get ready everyone one, if there is a tip you would like to know how to do even if its not for windows 7 just drop me a line or just comment on the Thursday Tech Tip post so get ready ....

Hump Day

for the past few nights i have been sleeping like a rock, guess its a combo of the heat and all the running around i have been doing at work. run here run there dont seem to be no beark in the near future but the good thing is that this week is half over.

Todays Birthdays:
1975 - Tobey Maguire
1938 - Bruce Babbitt
1930 - Ross Perot
1924 - Paul Conrad
1880 - Helen Keller

Speaking of Tobey Maguire the reboot of spider man starts next week (7/3) and you can see trailers at the link below:

The Amazing Spider-Man Movie

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pride Photo Update

just got a email from Lori who was at the pride event with us and she sent over a few of the phots that she took. i have added them to the pictures that i took and they can be viewed at the link below:

Pride Photo 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Yet another Monday

as well as i am sure that everyone is aware its Monday again, this day started out pretty good and work has been steady nothing major has happened and here is to hoping it stays that way.

took most of yesterday to recover from Pride weekend being on the go for almsot 12 hrs and half of that was in the heat but had plenty of drinks to keep me hydrated ;)

so here is to hoping everyone has a good week and i know we are all looking forward to the 4th of July next week even though its falls on a wednesday

Sunday, June 24, 2012

All Pride Photos

i found a way to share all the photos i took at pride so enjoy by using the link below:

Pride Photo 2012

should you have any issues accessing please let me know

Pride 2012 Aftermath

well this is they day after Houston Gay Pride (6/23/2012) and not feeling totally up to par this morning. left at 1130am (6/23) and didnt make it home till 1215am (6/24). had lunch at 59 diner on shepard and I59 then off to the montrose to EJs for a few drinks. what i thought was a few drinks was not what happend, got to EJs at 2 and then drank till 6 which was a hour before the prade started. so the parade started at 8 and lasted till 10, then back to EJs to wait for traffic to pass so we could then make it out and head home. so needless to say it was a full day so this morning i setup a Flickr account to share the photos, of the 281 picures i have uploaded 68. so below is the link to my flickr photos and to the photos in the Houston Chron. so hope everyone enjoys the pictures:

My Flickr Photos

Houston Chron Pride Photos

i hope everyone enjoys

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pride flyer

One of the many pride flyers available

Lunch before festival

We are meeting up at 59 diner on Sherpard before heading to the festival going to be a full day in the sun

Happy Pride

want to wish everyone everywheres a happy paride. even though today is gay pride in houston this is a day for everyone everywheres to celebrate being a human being. like the follwoing quote from Mahatma Gandhi:

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

Because today is a day for everyone to celebrate being proude of who you are

Friday, June 22, 2012

Houston Pride Weekend

this is gay pride weekend for houston. so tomorrow me and the guys will meet up in the montrose to celebrate. we plan on attending the festival and then the parade later that evening. just so you have bit of history as to why there is a gay pride event read up about it at the following link:

Stonewall Riots @ Wikipedia

Houston Gay Pride @ Wikipedia

5 great Moments in Houston's Gay History


Its friday which is a good thing and tomorrow is the pride parade which is going to be a blast, hope everyone has a good day and a great weekwnd.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Microsoft Surface

Tech Tip Thursday

Calculate more

At first glance the Windows 7 calculator looks just like Vista's version, but explore the Mode menu and you'll see powerful new Statistics and Programmer views. And if you're clueless about bitwise manipulation, then try the Options menu instead. This offers many different unit conversions (length, weight, volume and more), date calculations (how many days between two dates?), and spreadsheet-type templates to help you calculate vehicle mileage, mortgage rates and more.

Don't take any Windows 7 applet at face value, then - there are some very powerful new features hidden in the background. Be sure to explore every option in all Windows applets to ensure you don't miss anything important.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Microsoft Table

Yesterday MS announced that it would be selling its own table built on the Windows 8 OS, here are a few links to some artictles:

W8 Tablet

MS Surface Tablet

MS Tablet at Gadget Box

i am very excited about this one and cant wait to find out the pricing and where it will be sold so i can have a look.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Secret Gay Agenda

very interesting article i ran across on

The Secret Gay Agenda

Pride Week

this is Pride Week for houston, below is a link to different events going on all week long so hope everyone is able to attend and has a good time:

Houston Pride Events

Monday, June 18, 2012

Star Trek Alternate Title Video

hope everyone enjoys a new version of the Title Intro from Star Trek the Original Series (TSO)

Star Trek Alternate Title Intro


here is hoping that today will be with out issue. drive into work was good not much traffice. looks like we are going to get some more rain this week so that means when i get home this afternoon i need to feed the yard so it can grow nice and green.

PC is almost 100% with all the software i need, only have a couple of apps that i have left to install and i will be good to go for any and everything i need to function.

so here is hoping that everyone has a good monday and week.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

PC Update

well pc is up and running at about 75%, only cost me 150$ for a new video card and then about 5 hrs to reload most of the software i need. during the process i found out that i didnt backup my software folder on my hard drive, i did how ever backup all my othere data so i guess it wasnt a total loss. i am sure that as the days go by i will find what software i am missing and re download and save it all.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Home PC

well about 6pm cst my monitors went black, so i rebooted thinking it was just a glich. when i logged back into windows it did the same thing, next step was to start up in safe-mode. while in safe mode the video an monitors worked normaly. so after 2-3 hrs of uninstalling and re-installing video card software i have come to the concolusion that the issue is with windows. so after spending a hour making copys of all my data to a backup usb drive. i will be spending a few hours over the next week doing a re-install of all my software from windows 7 all the way up. normally i would spend a entire day doing this but being its 11pm cst saturday night and a few of the cd's i need are at work i have decided that i will just use my pc w/ just 1 monitor running a generic video driver instead of using my Nvidia dual out put card to its full extent being every time i install the needed software i starts the whole thing all over again, this time around it only took me about 15 minutes to get it back to a usable state.

so i will keep everyone updated on my progress


i applied for ad-sense on my blog an just got confirmation that it was not approved here is the reason:

Insufficient content
Further detail:
Insufficient content: To be considered for AdSense, your site must contain enough text content for our specialists to review and for our crawlers to identify relevant ads to show on your pages. We recommend including more complete sentences and paragraphs on your site. We require websites to be fully launched and functioning, allowing users to navigate throughout your site with a menu, sitemap, or appropriate links. Once the majority of your site is complete and functional, we'll be happy to reconsider your application.

Guess 234 views in a week dont rate for, guess i will just try again at a later date.....


well dont plan on doing very much today, did the front yard yesterday. have the sprinkler going on the yard, cleaned the house and the car. so nothing left to do today but run a few errand's and then veg out.

Quote of the day:

A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Realization of Convenient

I have come to the "realization" that when someone ask for your help and then says "whatever is 'convenient' for you" really means this is more convenient for me then it is for you.

Go figure.....someone putting their own needs before yours.....

Video to make your day

ran across this video this morning and loved it, but i have to say the end of it made me laugh so i decided to share it with everyone so i hope you enjoy. i know that its going to help me get thru the day

Call Me Maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen


well friday is finally here after a long and painful week. so todays plan for work is to stay under the radar and get the day over with. as for the weekend i am hoping to take it easy and do a few things around the house maybe wash the car an yard work but nothing that requires a lot of thinking or running around.

so here is to hoping that things go as planed

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tech Tip Thursday

I have decided that on Thursdays i will give a tech tip for computers. so todays tip is going to be how to change your desktop theme in windows,

  1. Open Theme Settings by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, clicking Personalization, and then clicking Theme.
  2. Under Theme, select the theme you want, and then click OK.
Here is a link to the same information from Microsoft with a video demo just click on the link below to view:

Random Thought before bed

last night before bed a randam thought ran across my mind which by the way tends to happen most of the time. the thought was being everyone is so connected to work how is it that we are not able to put down the devices when we are on vacation or just out of pocket for the weekend. i have several friends that tend to take vacation and have to ensure they are able to be reached by work or get to the internet no matter where they are, now how messed up is that. the whole point of taking a vacation is to get away from every thing not to ensure that your able to be reached.

i have a co-worker that every year she goes on vacation to what i loving refer to as 'Gods Armpit' due to the fact that she has no connection to anything while she is there. she says that she totally enjoys not being able to be reached but knows that she pays for his on her return to work which is what happens to most of use when we tend to be away from our jobs.

i remember a time when i was younger before cell phones, laptops and the internet. the only way to be reached was for you to call from either a pay phone or your hotel room. my parents would check in with family memebers back home once or twice a week to see if there was any emergency's or they left the information for our hotels should anyone need to reach us.

ahh the days when things were simpler which are long past.....Welcome to the 21st Centery

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

End of the day

well today wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, was just busy enought to help the day go by. i was able to get lots of things done an didnt want to take anyone out.

the only thing that kinda sucked was we had some really bad thunder storms pass thru the area, at one point i couldnt see more then 2 or 3 car lenghts ahead of me. i was still able to make it home in about an hour. then for dinner it was surf and turf with a salad.

Going to Pay for being off yesterday

well i took yesterday off from work so i could have a 3 day weekend but after looking over a few emails this morning before heading into work i have come to relize that i am soo going to pay for having yesterday off.

its funny that when your off from work and place a out of office on your email and phone extension just how many people ignore it untill you get back into work. i sometimes wonder what would happen if i ever took off more then just a day here and there. maybe one day we will find out.

just so that everyone knows, i am in the IT department and all my out of office message direct my users to the main service desk by either email or phone.

so lets see what happens today.....

Monday, June 11, 2012

Who's Fault is it really

had a discussion this morning with a friend who has to appear in traffic court today. he was bitching that "they" cost him a job interview. my reply was it wasnt their fault you had the you cuuldnt go to your interview, they just picked a date on the calander and gave it to you. they didnt know you would have a interview today. also it wasnt the court that asked for "Trial by Jury" it was you so it wasnt their fault.

i find it funny that people tend to blame others for things that they have done wrong but this is not a big surprise to me when it someone elses fault after all its "their fault"....

Sunday, June 10, 2012


well today was a really good day, went to Nat, Ro and Clays house in houston to work on their roommate Shellys pc. installed a new hard drive then reloaded windows 7, installed anti virus software and all done in under a hour. got to love how fast w7 installs. then me and ro did some running around i.e. "hit the stores to see what bargens there were to find".

but before we can do the store run it required getting some lunch at Raining Cane's Chicken Fingers.

At Nordstroms Ro got a facial and bougth some new cologne, i just ended up getting a facial. normally i end up leaving Nordstroms with a bill between 2-300$ in cologne but not this time.

then we hit the Kirklands outlet on the way home and found me 2 pictures for my bathroom, almost found a outdoor deceration for the side of the house but it wasnt on sale so it stayed at the store.

once i dropped off Ro and stopped for visit with the gang then it was time for the hour drive home.

so all and all it was a good day with friends, i couldnt think of a better way to end the weekend.

Random Thoughts

i have finally realized that no matter what a person tells you most of the time its going to be a lie. unless its someone that you knoe an trust. people love to say they know whats best for you and themselves when in fact they dont have a fracking clue to what they are doing and are just wondering around in the dark.

i can count on my hand the people that i trust in my life and know that majority of the time they are telling me the truth. if during a conversation i use the term "right..." generally this is my way of saying that i know you trying to blow smoke up my butt and jsut so ya know, the last time i checked i was a steam engine...i am just saying.....

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Prometheus Movie

Just returned from Prometheus Movie and i have to say i enjoyed it very much. Just a FYI dont take anyone to a psychological thriller because they will be disappointed and do nothing but complain how there was no action in the movie.

Pretty Day

Yet another great day in texas
Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

The Life of Reason (1905-1906) by George Santayana

First Post

Hello Blog Friends,
This is my first blog and my first posting so hope everyone enjoys.

well today started just like any other day, woke at 630, made coffee, checked Facebook, read and sent out a few emails.

planing on see new Riddley Scott movie 'Prometheus' today but wont get to see if in 3D being the only showings are after 2pm but who knows maybe this will change. check out the trailers and information at the following link:
