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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How to eat crawfish

Eating crawfish the right way

It's crawfish season, which conjures images of patio parties with buckets of beers and platters of juicy, hot-from-the-boiling-pot crustaceans. Don't sit on the sidelines just because you've never eaten a boiled crawfish.
Here's a do-it-yourselfer's guide to eating crawfish.
1. OFF WITH THE HEAD: Grasp the head in one hand and the tail in the other hand. Twist the tail one way and then the other to break it loose. Pull the tail away from the head. Set the head aside.
2. PEEL 'EM: Crush and peel away two or three segments of shell from the tail to expose more meat.
3. TO THE TOOTH: With your teeth, grab the meat that's sticking out and pull it out. If there's some tail meat remaining, pull it off with your fingers.
4. HEAD LINING: Pick up the head. Using your index finger, scrape out the fat. Or you can do like the big boys and suck it out.
5. CLAWS OUT: If the claws are big, take the segment that moves easily and pull it down. Take the meat off with your teeth.

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