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Thursday, December 27, 2012

NOH8 campaign

Houston turns it out for NOH8 campaign

Houston will not tolerate H8. And here’s the photographic proof.
The NOH8 campaign visited the University of Houston in October, where hundreds of gay folks and straight allies turned out for a chance to be snapped by celebrity photographer Adam Bouska. The “photographic silent protest” was created in response to Proposition 8 in California, which amended the state Constitution to ban same-sex marriage. A federal appeals court struck down the ban earlier this year, deeming it unconstitutional.
More than 700 photos were snapped, making it one of the largest turnouts to date. And they were finally delivered, appropriately enough, Tuesday. Merry Christmas, Houston.
Photos feature subjects with duct tape over their mouths, symbolizing their voices being silenced by Prop 8 and similar legislation around the world, with “NOH8″ painted on one cheek in protest. Proceeds are used to promote and raise awareness for marriage equality and anti-discrimination through NOH8′s interactive media campaign.
Among the Houston folk who posed are Emmy winners, radio personalities, Glamberts and a certain baby star of a certain blog. Have a look at the gallery above.

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