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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How to make a Texas diet more Mediterranean

How to make a Texas diet more Mediterranean

The big diet news this month is the Mediterranean diet, which is being touted as heart-healthy thanks to its use of healthy, vegetable-based fats instead of other fats that can cause heart disease.

In a five year study in which some participants at Mediterranean diets and others ate standard low-fat diets, those who ate Mediterranean diets had a 30 percent lower combined rate of heart attack, stroke and death from related causes.

And, those on the Mediterranean diet were actually able to eat more fat.

"It's very important to note that the fats in a Mediterranean diet are typically what we refer to as healthy fats — unsaturated oils like fish oil, olive oil, and seed oils like canola, soybean or flaxseed – which studies have shown may have a protective effect on the heart," said Dr. Sharon Robinson, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension nutrition specialist.

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