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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chick-fil-A Debate

I found this in my Drafts folder which i should have published like 2 weeks ago, so I guess its better to publish it late then to not publish it at all:

I have tried to stay out of the debate on Chick-fil-A and its stand on marriage equality but i guess i need to at least express my feelings on the matter so here we go:

First off i am not a big fan of the restaurant chain, i have only eaten there once or twice and i was not that impressed with their food. I found it to be bland and a bit overpriced, i also did find it odd that they were not open on Sunday and after doing a bit of research found out that they were closed due to religious reasons. I have no issue with a company that wants to close on Sunday being most people believe Sunday to be the Sabbath.

Now to my feelings on the debate

To start off i am an openly gay man but i do not put my lifestyle on anyone, if i openly tell you that i am gay it because i value you as a friend.

I think that you’re allowed to believe what you want to believe being that is what free choice is all about, but when you decide to put money in to hate groups like Chick-fil-A which wants to limit or restrict any one person’s rights i don’t agree with this. To me this is closed minded and petty. I have several friends and family members that support Chick-fil-A with what they believe and also just as many that don’t support it. This is the same

debate that closed minded people had back when black people wanted to be allowed the same rights as white people. This was going to be the end of civilization as we know it because a black person was to have the same rights as a white person. If you look at the history of many of the wars we as human race have had, you will see that majority of them have been due to "Religious Views" on what someone thinks is right for people.

So with that being said i do not support what Chick-fil-A does with their money from selling bland and overpriced chicken but they have never and will never get my money not based on their views on who should or shouldn’t be able to be married but based on the fact that i just don’t like there food.

My personal belief is that a person should be able to marry whomever they love. If a man and woman get married they have certain rights as a married couple and i believe that these same rights should be allotted to a gay married couple. I have had too many friends that have been in long term relationships and when one of them passes away the family has been able to walk in and take any and everything that belonged to them. To me this is wrong, this would not happen in a straight marriage so why should it be allowed to happen in a gay one. This is what the fight for marriage equality is all about in the eyes of the gay community and this i do support.

my mother and i have had this debate before and i put i very simply, if i was in a relationship with someone and we built a life together (house, cars, furniture) and something happened do my partner do you think it would be right for their family to come into our home and take what they wanted because our relationship is not considered legal? To this she replied "No its not". To which i replied that this is what the entire fight is all about, it’s about being able to protect the things that as a gay couple you have accomplished in your life.

So those are my views on the debate, i didn’t post this to anger anyone or to change anyone’s views, i just wanted to post my feelings on this matter.

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