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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Oh what a day and a visit to HR

well today started off with a a email from work saying that a pc was running slow and needed to be looked, did i say the email arrived at 430am. well got to work looked it over and it was running normally. then started all the other items that tend to pop up from working in the IT dept. Oh this dont work, i cant get to this file, bla bla bla....damn i wish that short yellow bus would just pass by the plant for just one day..

Then came the Call which caused me to make a visit to HR:

during a conversation about a pieced of leased equiment a snyde and disparaging remark  was made by someone at work.

i was asked if i could work on this equipment to which i replied that i cant work on equipment that is leased from someone and that they must do the repairs. to that they replied "so what work do you do around here" to which i replied i do work here but i cant work on equipment that is leased.

so after the conversation ended the more i thought about it the more i relized that if i didnt say something then he would just keep on doing this. so off to HR i go, i explain what happened and wanted to know what was the correct course of action. i asked if i should start with HR or the Dept Mgr and i was advised to proceed how i saw fit being they would back me due to i was not the only one who has gone to HR about him.

so i ended up talking to the Dept Mgr and was told that he would get with him, i then inturn advised my manager and HR of what has transpired to which i was told they both back me 100% being this is not how you should conduct yourself at work. so we shall see where this goes, i am sure i will be able to tell the next time i run into him if he was pulled to the side and advised that what he did was unacceptiable by how he reacts to me by either giving me the cold shoulder or by offering to say he is sorry. so we shall see how this turns out.....

so stay tuned Blog Buddys

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