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Friday, June 29, 2012

Finally Friday

well the week is finally over and its Friday, all thats left is to get thru the day and deal with the shortbus people at work.

i receievd a email from work last night saying they have a issue with a brand new printer that is not 2 days old where it keeps getting paper jams. is it me or does this sound funny? i have noticed that when it comes to change that people all ways profess mechinacal failure when it comes to them not likeing something new. at times i wish i could say ... you know your a total fracking idiot and just need to do things the new way and get on with it and stop wining like a little bitch but ya can do that in the work enviroment. so i just bite my lip and have them show me what is wrong and then when it turns out to be the way they are doing it i walk away.

i saw this quote and thought about the email from last nite:

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.
Arnold Bennett

funny they didnt put the word 'idiots' in that cuz most of the time its them.....

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