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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Home PC

well about 6pm cst my monitors went black, so i rebooted thinking it was just a glich. when i logged back into windows it did the same thing, next step was to start up in safe-mode. while in safe mode the video an monitors worked normaly. so after 2-3 hrs of uninstalling and re-installing video card software i have come to the concolusion that the issue is with windows. so after spending a hour making copys of all my data to a backup usb drive. i will be spending a few hours over the next week doing a re-install of all my software from windows 7 all the way up. normally i would spend a entire day doing this but being its 11pm cst saturday night and a few of the cd's i need are at work i have decided that i will just use my pc w/ just 1 monitor running a generic video driver instead of using my Nvidia dual out put card to its full extent being every time i install the needed software i starts the whole thing all over again, this time around it only took me about 15 minutes to get it back to a usable state.

so i will keep everyone updated on my progress

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