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Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Update

well today was a day from HELL, spent most of the day working with a new printer that was dead after only having it for 2 days. come to find out one of the motors in the unit burned out which according to the tech is a very rear thing to happen.

then spent 2 hrs setting up equipment in the main conf room by replacing the PC, mouse and keyboard. then got to train them on the unit W7 computer.

ran to get my hair cut and spent half my lunch on the phone with the print vendor on why the tech hasnt showed up yet being 2 calls were placed one at 4am & 7125am.

then spent the rest of the after noon working with the printer tech on what was wrong with the printer, does the fun never end.

then the rest of the afternoon was spent taking care of things i didnt get to do being i was tied up all day with conf rooms and printers, only to get home and have to run to the store to do some grocery shopping and finally home by 830.

now have to decide if i want to watch a movie i downloaded or hit the bed being i know i am going to wake up for no reason at 4 or 5, an the movie choices are Mirror Mirror or Wrath of the Titans.....


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