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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Random Thought before bed

last night before bed a randam thought ran across my mind which by the way tends to happen most of the time. the thought was being everyone is so connected to work how is it that we are not able to put down the devices when we are on vacation or just out of pocket for the weekend. i have several friends that tend to take vacation and have to ensure they are able to be reached by work or get to the internet no matter where they are, now how messed up is that. the whole point of taking a vacation is to get away from every thing not to ensure that your able to be reached.

i have a co-worker that every year she goes on vacation to what i loving refer to as 'Gods Armpit' due to the fact that she has no connection to anything while she is there. she says that she totally enjoys not being able to be reached but knows that she pays for his on her return to work which is what happens to most of use when we tend to be away from our jobs.

i remember a time when i was younger before cell phones, laptops and the internet. the only way to be reached was for you to call from either a pay phone or your hotel room. my parents would check in with family memebers back home once or twice a week to see if there was any emergency's or they left the information for our hotels should anyone need to reach us.

ahh the days when things were simpler which are long past.....Welcome to the 21st Centery

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