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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Switching off from the 24-7 work ethic

Just as it's tough to ride 100 miles on my bike without a few good snack or stretch breaks along the way, today's 24-7 "always on" world of work makes "switching off" even more vital than ever to maintain productivity, focus, and energy at work -- and to preserve some form of a life with friends, pets, spouses -- and yourself.

The work marathons demanded by this challenging decade need programmatic, regular recharge respites if you're in it for the long haul.

Having flunked retirement twice, I'm addicted to my work, which I love -- even after 42 years of flat-out entrepreneurship, including these latest two exhausting and exhilarating years writing, publishing, and traveling to lecture about "Startup Owner's Manual," which I co-authored with customer development pioneer Steve Blank.

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