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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Back to School

just a reminder to all the parents that this is tax free weekend for all your school supplies, accessories and clothing needs for the new school season. so plan on all the stores being a bit crazier then normal. here are a few status from the National Retail Federations in regard to back to school shopping:

$30.3 billion: That’s the record back-to-school spending for kindergarten through 12th grade is expected to reach this year.

$688: That’s what the average family with K-12 students will spend on back-to-school supplies. But shoppers buying online spend $874 on back-to-school, 27 percent more than the average shopper.

$246: Parents with kids in kindergarten through 12th grade estimate they will spend this much on clothes.

$218: That’s the amount parents expect to spend on electronics. Nearly six in 10 will invest in some sort of electronic device, a sharp increase from the nearly 52 percent who planned to do so last year.

$129: The average person with children in K-12 will spend this amount on shoes.

Also here are just a few of the items that are covered by tax-free back to school shopping:
Backpacks, clothes, most footwear, school supplies, coats, uniforms

Ran across the following website that list items based on Taxable and Exempt so take a look to see if the items you need for the new school year are listed:

Tax Free Weekend (Texas)- Clothing

Tax Free Weekend (Texas) - School Supplies

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