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Friday, May 9, 2014

San Antonio women strike back

 Former Rocket Charles Barkley is all smiles in this photo. But many San Antonio women aren't laughing after his recent "fat" joke. (Turner Sports photo) Photo: Turner Sports / © 2011 Turner Sports. A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved.

 San Antonio women strike back after Charles Barkley insult

Ah. Charles Barkley.

Big former NBA basketball star comes to San Antonio for TNT to call the game between the Spurs and the Portland Trail Blazers and what do you do?

Yup, you put on your big boy bully briefs.

"There's some big ol' women down there ... that's a gold mine for Weight Watchers," said Barkley, who proceeded to call the River Walk a "dirty creek."

You come to the Alamo City, diss the landmark River Walk like you were Mark Cuban, and then insult the city's women, calling them heavy and judging them as churro-eating and needing to join Weight Watchers. Plus, you get your male cronies in the little TV box to laugh at your insults to the women of San Antonio.

Seriously, did you think you'd make your wife, your daughter proud? What would your momma say? Or, how about the women who run Weight Watchers? Don't they write you a check, spokesman?
Listen, Round Mound of Rebound, you are not skinny, and you are no Tim Duncan. But, the women of San Antonio won't despair.

Take Melanie Mendez-Gonzales' example. The San Antonian, who is a social media storyteller and blogger, took to Twitter on Thursday.

Mendez-Gonzales, creator of a blog called Que Means What, posted a blog Thursday morning, rallying the women of San Antonio behind the idea it's not OK to body shame, and urging women celebrate themselves. But not before she took him to task for being, well, a hypocrite:

"... When L.A. Clippers former owner Donald Sterling was caught saying racist remarks, Charles Barkley was among those demanding repercussions for his words," Gonzales wrote.

She even went on to quote Sir Charles from a Los Angeles Times article: "You can' have this guy making statements like that. You have to suspend him and fine him immediately" because someone in that kind of a position of authority cannot be allowed to make those types of statements.

"For the record, San Antonio is full of beautiful women of all shapes, sizes, ages and colors. We support one another, too. Instead of harping on the ignorance of Barkley and the rest of the TNT Sports Desk (who instigated and laughed at his words), we will celebrate who we are ... ," Gonzales wrote.

So, Gonzales and her fellow San Antonio bloggers Tori Johnson and Michelle Cantu — also S.A. women — armed themselves with a powerful hashtag: #proudSAwoman, and called on the San Antonio female community to post photos on social media along with that hashtag and a message.

Just check out Twitter and #proudSAwoman, and you'll find plenty of people — men and women — who are proud of their city and its women, no matter the size. See? We really aren't getting angry, but even.

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