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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

100-year-old Michigan time capsule

This 1808 almanac was in a package addressed to descendants of Rev. Foote in Michigan. Courtesy photo

Mystery inside 100-year-old Michigan time capsule puzzles Katy woman

Janet Foote of Katy has a mystery on her hands. Two, in fact.

They are both 200-year-old almanacs, which spent most of the last 100 years inside a Michigan church time capsule.

"I haven't had a chance to research them," Foote said Tuesday.

About all Foote knows for sure is that one of the almanacs was published in 1804 in New York and the other in 1808 in Philadelphia.

Notes jotted in the margins, such as what dates the cows calved, gave the books a personal touch, she said.

"They used those almanacs to plant by," she said. "They were very, very important."

Wrapped in brown paper tied with string, the almanacs were inside a time capsure found in the cornerstone of Trinity Episcopal Church in Grand Ledge, Mich., a Lansing suburb.

Members opened the time capsule in November, in connection with the congregation's 100th anniversary. They had only recently learned of the capsule's existence.

In addition to the typical assortment of time-capsule items, the church found the brown-paper package with this hand-written message on it: "May 2, 1912. If opened after the lapse of many years, these are to be presented to relatives of Rev. Foote if any are alive. Cassius Alexander, Warden." (A warden in the Episcopal Church is a lay partner of the rector who helps manage daily church operations.)

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