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Friday, May 2, 2014

South Texas birds

South Texas birds

 The Rio Grande Valley and adjacent oak mott/bluestem prairie region of South Texas is a paradise for birders and others who enjoy wild places and wildlife. The amazingly rich ecological region is home to hundreds of species of birds, many found in few, if any, other places in the United States. And it temporarily hosts hundreds of others birds as they migrate in spring and autumn. These birds were photographed this past weekend around and near a livestock watering trough on a ranch in Brooks County.

A pair of black-bellied tree ducks, a tropical species that has expanded its range into Texas, perch Pyrrhuloxia often are mistaken for their much more common northern cardinal cousins. These birds, wi Colorful summer tanagers are year-round residents of South Texas.

Common ground doves are common in South Texas but in few other areas of the country. The small doves South Texas is the only place colorful, loud animated green jays are found in the United States. Roadrunners are common in South Texas Brush Country, where the ground-dwelling cuckoos prey on insec

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