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Friday, May 30, 2014

Cooling Foods for the Summer

In the Taoist approach to nutrition, bitter flavors are recommended for summer months.
For example:

Cooling Foods for the Summer

Foods with blue, green or purple colors are usually more cooling than similar foods that are red, orange, or yellow (a green apple is more cooling than a red one.)

Plants that take longer to grow (carrots, rutabaga, parsnip, cabbage and ginseng, which takes at least 6 years to grow) are more warming then those that grow quickly (lettuce, summer squash, radish, cucumber).

In the Taoist approach to nutrition, bitter flavors are recommended for summer months. For example: arugula, radish, asparagus and grapefruit. This is freshly squeezed grapefruit & kiwi juice, which brings up another good tip for staying cool--hydrate!

Yoga Guru Baron Baptist says less-dense meat is more cooling. For example: white fish, shellfish, clams and crab. He also suggests dairy products, bok choy, watermelon and salads.

 Steaming is generally the most cooling way to cook. Season steamed broccoli with salt, pepper and perhaps some Parmesan and a drizzle of evoo (Extra Virgin Olive Oil)

Green tea is cooling and peppermint is as well. 

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