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Monday, April 14, 2014

BuzzFeed test on how Texan you are

BuzzFeed test on how Texan you are

A recent BuzzFeed quiz meant to test what level of Texan you are features 100 questions to separate the wannabes from the true blue.

The questions go over everything from food, movies, music, recreation, college life, and politics.
You can take the quiz and see how well you do. If you get a good enough score, add it to your resume. It can't hurt.
The author, Summer Anne Burton, previously gave readers 101 reasons that they should live in Texas at least once, plus she wrote a charming piece about a high school yearbook from Taylor in 1920.
Some of the questions were suspect, to say the least, but they obviously came from a fellow Texan.

Have you ever smoked pot with Willie Nelson?

This is a loaded question for many of you. If you've smoked the devil's lettuce at a Willie Nelson show (maybe Free Press Summer Fest in 2012?) that doesn't mean you have literally sat on Willie's bus or a dressing room and burned one with him. If you have achieved this Texas accolade, then you are in rarefied air as it is. Or you are Snoop Dogg.

Have you met George Bush, Jr. or Sr.?

This one is way more attainable than smoking with the Redheaded Stranger, although the security around Dubya and 41 is way more excitable. You really probably just need to be in the right place at the right time. The closest that many in Houston have been to Bush Sr. was maybe sitting near him at an Astros game at Minute Maid Park.

Did you ever go to the Astrodome?

This question dates some people. The last few times one could go into the Dome without signing a waiver or being a reporter wondering around days before a Dome garage sale would have been the early to mid '00's. If you were there in 2005 post-Hurricane Katrina either to volunteer or to temporarily shelter there, maybe you can get extra credit?

Is there Blue Bell ice cream in your freezer right now?

Consider this a trick question. Real Texans would have eaten every spoonful of Blue Bell, thus leaving their freezers free of the stuff.

Have you ever seen Matthew McConaughey shirtless IRL?

Seeing McConaughey shirtless in real life would be something to tell your grand-kids about, unless you are the person who called the cops on him in October 1999 for playing the bongos naked. If you called the cops on Mr. Alright Alright Alright, then you should have your Texas card taken and banished to Oklahoma for messing with this Texas state treasure.

Do you know how to make a good breakfast taco?

Yeah, you have to leave your own home for good breakfast tacos. It's the ritual of waiting in line for 30 minutes to get the breakfast tacos that really makes them special. Especially hungover.

Do you speak Spanish?

Being bilingual, beyond what you can get by with at a bar or a taco truck makes you more of a Texan, it seems. If you speak Czech or German too, then you are even more Texan at that. Kudos to you if speak East Texan.

Do you believe that real chili doesn’t have beans?

This fake war wages on with more phony outrage that you throw your mother's Facebook page at.

Ever been to Houston Oilers game?

It's been almost 18 years and it's still too soon, man.

Have you had queso?
And no, not microwave-melted Velveeta. True, hearty queso takes an hour of your life and you can feel it slipping away.

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