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Monday, April 28, 2014

Google Maps feature reveals development boom in Houston

Google Maps feature reveals development boom in Houston

In 2007: The intersection of Main and Rusk shows a clear shot to the sky. Photo: Google Maps

Google Maps has a new time machine feature and it's easy to see what's been going on in Houston in recent years:

Construction, development, more construction and a bit more development.

The new "then and now" feature allows users to scroll back to the very first street view photos taken by Google Maps back in 2007 to see just how an area has changed in the last seven years.

A quick tour of downtown reveals new park areas, high-rise hotels and office blocks and surrounding all that, new residential buildings to go with them.
Areas that were just plain open land now house high-end grocery stores and loft style apartment buildings.

Perhaps most significant on the downtown skyline is the arrival of the BG Group Tower at Rusk and Main, with its impressive glass frontage reaching up into the clear blue.

Then, a little east of that, Discovery Green forms the center of a hubub of new arrivals including the BBVA Compass stadium the Embassy Suites and the soon-to-be Marriot Marquis, a second hotel for the George R. Brown convention Center.

The arrival of new restaurants is also clear, like those surrounding the also newly refurbished Market Square, adding to Houston placing as a center of cuisine with over 11,000 restaurants, according to TripAdvisor.

Time Machine is pretty handy for a look around world landmarks too. You can scroll through construction of the Freedom Tower in New York and, on the other side of the coin, watch the destruction caused by natural disasters like Japan's tsunami in 2001.

Original Article with Photo Gallery

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